The Watertown Redevelopment Authority (RDA) recently announced the retirement of three Board members, Chair Nate Salas, Brad Kuenzi, and Matt Zastrow. In January, Chair Rob Marchant, tendered his resignation and was replaced by Ryan Wagner. Salas was elected Chair and Wagner Vice Chair.
These outgoing members were appointed to the original RDA board that was established in December 2016. “We will be ever-grateful for their leadership and guidance,” said Mayor McFarland. “A lot of positive change has taken place in the downtown these past 6 1/2 years,” she noted. In addition to establishing a Revolving Loan Fund, which has supported well-over $1 million in rehabilitation and expansion efforts in the downtown, the RDA championed one of the largest building projects in Watertown’s history, the funding and construction of the Bentzin Family Town Square that opened in May 2023.
“They will be missed,” added Mason Becker, RDA Executive Director. “Each retiring member has played an integral role in the success of the Town Square and certainly raised the bar when it comes to setting goals for future redevelopment.”
To fill these vacancies, Mayor McFarland appointed and the Common Council approved new Board members Karrisa Hurtgen, Ryan Nowatka, and Jacob Maas. At its September meeting the RDA elected Wagner as Chair and Hurtgen as Vice Chair of the Board. “We welcome these new members,” continued Becker. “I look forward to working with them as well as our other current board members to develop a strategic economic plan focused on future business growth and expansion in the downtown.”
The RDA Board is made up of seven members from the Watertown community who are involved in enhancing the economic vitality of the City through their professional and/or civic affiliations. The Board is the governing body that meets on a regular basis to provide guidance by contributing to the organization’s strategic purpose and advocating on behalf of the RDA’s redevelopment efforts. Additional Board members are David Zimmermann, District 4 Alderperson Dan Bartz, and District 2 Alderperson Jonathan Lampe.
Profiles for RDA Board members can be found here: https://www.watertownredevelopment.org/people.