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Watertown Housing Rehab Grant to Aid Homeowners

The Watertown Redevelopment Authority (RDA) is pleased to announce it will be accepting applications for its new Housing Rehab Grant Program. This program is intended to provide funds to assist City of Watertown property owners, both owner-occupied and landlords, with necessary maintenance of their properties to preserve and increase housing stock and property values.

The program provides a one-time grant determined on a sliding scale based on income. All housing units located within the City of Watertown are eligible to apply. A maximum of $10,000 will be awarded per grant. Funds are to be used for physical repairs to an existing home including roofs, porches, exterior paint, windows, doors, and power service upgrades to panels (with a correlating plan for upgrading in wiring). Property owners are required to contribute a minimum of 10% of cash, based on the total project costs.

This new Program is funded with $100,000 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The RDA has been designated to facilitate this program and review all applications on a first-come, first-served basis.

“Lack of housing can contribute to challenges in finding adequate workforce for local employers, cause economic hardship for residents, and otherwise negatively impact communities,” said Mason Becker, RDA Executive Director. Jefferson and Dodge counties currently have a shortage of both owner-occupied and rental housing. “This program will be one more tool the City of Watertown can use to combat the housing shortage and help ensure safe and adequate homes for both families and individuals,” Becker added.

The program is scheduled to launch in January 2024, at which time the application window will be open. Grant details and the application will be available online at under the About: Programs tab. For additional information, contact Mason Becker at



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